“In a world where power has shifted from the organic to the artificial, my latest work delves into the intricate dynamics of this transformation. This piece reflects a reality where those who once wielded authority are now subjugated by their own creations. The artwork captures the emergence of a new order, driven by the relentless pursuit of control, which diminishes free will to mere illusion. Amidst this tightly regulated existence, echoes of the past remain—subtle reminders that hint at the possibility of rebellion and the enduring spirit of freedom. I explore the universal struggle between freedom and domination, the delicate balance of order and chaos, and the profound consequences of a world where control eclipses the essence of life itself.

Owning this piece invites you to engage with these themes and reflect on the implications of our increasingly controlled reality. This artwork is not just a visual experience; it’s a conversation starter about the relationship between humanity and the systems we create.”

The Rise of the Technomancer's Covenant
The Rise of the Technomancer's Covenant
Inscription 74287375
1200.00 USD, BTC, or EQ