Title: “Cypherpunks Evolution”

Description: “Cypherpunks Evolution” is an 36 x 48″ oil on canvas artwork that reimagines the iconic scene of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” in a contemporary context. The painting features a group of cypherpunks gathered around a table, symbolizing the evolution of the digital privacy movement.

In the contemporary setting, the cypherpunks are depicted breaking pizza together, reflecting their collaboration and dedication to the cause of digital freedom and privacy. Each character is meticulously portrayed, drawing attention to their unique tribal contributions to cryptography and their relentless pursuit of secure communication.

Positioned to the side of the composition, a central character stands out, dressed in gold and silver attire. This character, unlike the cypherpunks, is depicted walking away from the group with a sense of shame and regret. The contrast in posture and demeanor emphasizes the differing values and motives between the cypherpunks and the character in gold and silver.


In front of the group, a digital table displays items of technology from different eras, such as tape cassettes and cellphones, signifying the ever-changing landscape of communication and the challenges posed by technological advancements.

“Cypherpunks Evolution” serves as a thought-provoking artwork that delves into the struggles of those fighting for digital privacy and the potential conflicts that arise from the clash between values. The painting prompts viewers to reflect on the significance of the cypherpunk movement and the ongoing evolution of digital rights and individual liberties in the modern era.